unique commissions | handmade bags

Rosehip specialises in bespoke Harris Tweed bags, designed & hand made by Rose Benoy on her remote Scottish smallholding in Angus.
There is a small selection of ‘off the peg’ handbags available to purchase online and from the shop in Ballindarg, Forfar.
Alternatively contact Rose directly to start the unique journey of having a bag made especially for you.
harris tweed

The Outer Hebrides is a remote archipelago of islands off the north-west coast of Scotland. The ancestral home of the classic woven wool cloth, Harris Tweed.
Made exclusively on this cluster of islands; from mill to loom, islanders tirelessly maintain their cultural heritage through the evolving production of this fine fabric.

For hundreds of years the hard wearing tweed was almost exclusively used by the islanders, now its name has become synonymous with quality, high fashion and nobility. The attention to detail, consistent quality, versatility, durability and beautiful design make genuine Harris Tweed very special.
The use of this natural resource is now a fully sustainable, successful and highly skilled industry led by artisans.
traditional materials | contemporary design

The designs created for Rosehip are interpretations of shape and form, taken from the very same landscapes that brings us the cloth.
Every bag is unique, one of only six made to each carefully designed pattern. Rose return to Harris every year, visiting the islands to search out the rich earthy colours that have become an integral part of Rosehip’s bags.

angus holiday accommodation | shop | smallholding